Ive been neglecting my blog recently, life has been a bit chaotic with family stuff, and then there was the hastily made decision to redecorate the entire downstairs before the christmas trimmings go up ( 1st december if you were wondering lol ) so I decided to make use of these wee small hours I'm spending with Jack while he makes up his mind if he is tired enough to go to bed, and blog a couple of recent creations :)
I made this polymer clay art doll for a forum challenge. I used my prefered polymer clay - Fimo (prefered only because its the only polymer clay I can source locally lol ) an art doll face mold and I collected a selection of fallen leaves from the garden. I spent a few minutes kneading the clay to a workable state, then rolled it using a 6" brayer - I really do need to remember to buy a pasta roller lol. I cut a art doll template from textured card, and lay this over my sheet of rolled out clay and cut around it with a craft knife - the texture of the card was transfered to the clay giving it a nice, bark like finish. I then made the face cab using some left over scraps from the body. The tricky part was making the leaves, I wanted to get the clay rolled as thinly as possible, but only having a brayer meant I was finding it difficult to keep an even thickness.When I was happy with the rolled clay, I lay a leaf onto it and pressed it into the clay, transfering all the texture and details to the clay. I cut around each leaf with a sharp craft knife. Once I had a selection of leaf types and sizes I lay them over the art doll, to create a feeling that she is a little Wood Sprite hibernating for Winter - it didnt turn out exactly as I planned, I was struggling for time as Jack was unwell - but I'm sure one day I will get to create the little wood sprite currently hibernating in my imagination :)
I would like to thank the lovely
Gillian for my Rocking Girl Blogger award! Yes Gillian, I am extremley slow on the uptake, but better late than never as my mum always says :)

I now need to nominate five other girl bloggers for this prestigious award, but as soooooo many of my favourite bloggers already recieved their shiny pink trophy i'm gonna need time to think.
One blogger springs to mind, the fantabulously funny
Amy . I love Amy's blog, she always makes me smile :)